Friday, January 14, 2011


In this film Courage plays part in this movie i think when Saruman and  Frodo i think it was when they both went to talk to that other king in the castle and Frodo had to have courage to go in there i believe because he had to go in there knowing that his son got killed but he was not dead so i think there was some fear there which would give him courage to go with and talk to him.Another thing i think would have to do with courage in this film would be when Frodo and Sam are in that place and frodo instead of climbing up that rock he keeps walking forward between those two dragon poles knowing that he could get hurt he still had the courage.
Courage has been important in my life and many people have to have courage to do most things. In my life i have had to have courage to step up and move on with my life instead of waiting for someone else to move on with with me. It is important in my life because without courage then i probably wouldnt be where i am now. 

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